The Garage Sale of Upscale Garbage
at 1049 Willoughby Ave., BK
The annual Garage Sale of Upscale Garbage is an exhibition that enacts the idea of a midwestern/suburban garage sale and traditional roles of proprietor/seller and buyer collaborate to create a shifting aesthetic experience rooted in the notions of the everyday.
Upscale Garbage is any object that has been modified by the artist: objects can repurpose materials fit for the trash or fine art, embodying the ethos of colloquial practices of creation, craft, and decoration, or simply be leftovers, unfinished work, or work they are looking to get rid of. Intentionally broad, the objects themselves are less important than the performance of the garage sale.
The installation is visually modified indefinitely by the potential buyer’s movement through the space and the sale of the objects, subsequently removed from the shelves and variously moved throughout until finally departing with the new owner.
GSUG 2, December 5 - 8, 2024

GSUG 1, November 3 - 5, 2023